
That native species are good and non-native species are bad has become an entrenched belief system and a way species are routinely classified. ...
This week is March Break in Ontario. It’s also nearly spring. What a great time to get outdoors with the kids and enjoy nature! Many migratory birds are on the move. We only get to see them as they pass through on migration – which is this time of year ...
By now last year’s cygnets will be gone. Between November and February, the young swans strike out on their own – or the parents chase them away. The parents have taught them all they can about surviving as a swan and it’s time for them to start their own lives. ...
Conservation authorities frequently describe Mute Swans as “invasive,” a word that conjures a large influx of destructive intruders. But the facts call that descriptor into question. The Issues and Research pages of this site summarize many of relevant studies, but here are a few highlights. ...
When I was a child a guy down the street bragged about shooting “buzzards” – Turkey Vultures – at his cottage simply because they were “ugly,” with no other explanation were needed. I’ve seen “ugliness” used to justify killing of a range of wildlife species, and, also to identify dangerous ...
In May 2021 a pair of mute swans by the lake hatched seven adorable cygnets. All of us along the waterfront were elated and spent their early days watching the parents parading their fluffballs as they learned to swim, eat, and preen. There was also a lot of sleeping and ...
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