
On a recent vacation to Ireland, I was fortunate to connect with Mary Joyce-Glynn, one of the founders of Galway & Claddagh Swan Rescue. Mary gave me a tour of swan sites and the sanctuary. A highlight was meeting Lily the goose, surrogate mom to generations of cygnets in care ...
The Hindu goddess Saraswati is often depicted with a Mute Swan, which she rides! Like Saraswati herself, Mute Swans are associated with wisdom and knowledge, as well as discipline and excellence. ...
During National Justice for Animals Week in the US, we salute two American City Councils who are fighting for justice for Mute Swans. Read about their efforts to save their swans. ...
Adult Mute Swans all have white feathers and orange beaks – but did you know their feet give clues as to what they looked like as cygnets (young swans)? ...
Mute Swans are very loyal. They mate for life and are dedicated co-parents who raise their young together. ...
Fall is the season that cygnets (young swans) learn to fly. With their feathers fully grown, they prepare by stretching their wings and flapping to build up the muscles they need to get airborne. The parents then give them flight lessons. ...
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