Celebrating Swan Heroes

February 19 to 25 is National Justice for Animals Week in the US.  We want to take this opportunity to recognize two City Councils in the US who are seeking justice for Mute Swans. 

Manlius New York is southeast of Syracuse.  Last May in Manlius a beloved female swan, Faye, was killed, cooked, and eaten by teens.  Left behind was her mate, Manny, and their four surviving cygnets.  She was also beloved by her community, who were shocked and devastated at the circumstances of her loss.  Now, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has demanded that the City have the four cygnets sterilized, or that only one gender remain in Manlius.  Mayor Paul Whorall and City Council oppose this demand and are pursuing all avenues to have the DEC directive reversed.  You can read more about this tragic situation at https://www.syracuse.com/news/2024/02/state-tells-manlius-no-more-baby-swans-mayor-says-were-going-to-fight-this.html

As reported in our last newsletter (you can sign up here if you haven’t already https://muteswansociety.org/sign-up-for-our-newsletter/) the City Council in Montague, Michigan voted last August to end Mute Swan culls in their municipality.  Prior to that decision Mute Swans were routinely shot and their eggs destroyed.  The majority of Montague’s Councillors were not persuaded by the conservation authority’s presentation in support of continuing culls.  More convincing facts and research were presented in support of saving the swans.  As a result, Council put an end to the practice for the next five years on the part of White Lake that is within their jurisdiction.  You can read more about this decision at https://www.idausa.org/campaign/wild-animals-and-habitats/latest-news/mute-swans-saved-montague/

In the US and in Canada Mute Swans are regularly portrayed as destroyers of ecosystems who outcompete other waterfowl and whose population would explode unless “managed.”  These portrayals are not substantiated by the evidence and population management efforts are cruel and excessive. 

It’s time to let Mute Swans live their wild lives, which include having and raising their young.

During National Justice for Animals Week we salute the Councils in Manlius and Montague and we stand with them.  They are Swan Heroes..  


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